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mercoledì 18 gennaio 2012

Hi there,
I will show you how  to easly get prizes like  iphone 4s, ipad, macbook, ipod touch, imac ecc. spending only 15 dollars about. For sure,many of yours will be  skeptic about that,but i can assure that this guide works perfectly and i will explain step by step what you have to do.
The system works this way:
1) You enroll yourself in a totally free website.
2) Fron this website you can go into other  sponsor where you need to enroll yourself and pay a 15 dollars about fee to activate the account yoiu created in the step 1.
3) Then you need to invite your friends to enroll theirselves as you did ,following all the steps you followed.. when you'll reach the point necessary to get the prize,you'll get it!

If something is not clear contact me at:
and i will answer to all your questions.
First of all copy and paste this link into your browser,to enter the enrollement page:
Enter your email address  in the space under  SIGN UP NOW
In the page "Create Your Account" enter these data:
check "I agree to the terms & conditions" and click on "Continue"
Check your email address. You should have received an email from FreebieJeebies.
Click on the link in your email to confirm your address.
Then,go in the “offers” section of the website you have just signed in and click on the offer “little bid tasty”.
On the website “Little Bid Tasty” click on "SIGN UP" in the bottom right of the access panel.
In the next page fill in all the fields putting in the same data you used for the “freebiejeebies” where you sihned in before:
Title -
First Name  
Last Name
Date of Birth
Email Address.
Confirm Email Address
Confirm Password
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Post Code/Zip
How did you find us?
Subscribe to News -
Check  "I certify that I am aged 16 years or older"
Check  "I have read and agree to the terms and conditions"
Enter Above Code
Click on  Save and Continue.
After your registration you should see this :

In a few minutes,you will receive an email where you'll find a link that ypuìll have to click to activate and to log in your account.
Then,enter in the website and log in with your email address and your password; on the left you'll find many options, click on Buy Credits .
You'll see a table:
in the table  choose £10.00 and click on the below botton "Purchase Credits".
- After completing the payment and coming back on  Little Bid Tasty ,click on "Live Auctions"
in the upper left to see all the available auctions.
You will have to make a bid for an auction using some of the credits you bought .
IMPORTANT: some of the auctions are free, that is you haven't to buy credits to make a bid
To complete the offer  Little Bid Tasty and activate your account “FreebieJeebies” you must choose an auction that allows you to use a part of your purchased credits.  If under the auction title is written "Credits required for each bid: 0.00" it means it's free. If the number is different from  0.00 you can make a bid to activate your FreebieJeebies account.
So,choose an auction, enter a bid  in penny (example: 10, 20 o 30) and click on  "Bid". A green botton that says "Confirm Your Bids" will appear, click to confirm.
You'll be redirect on a page where you'll read that the bid was succesful.
From now on, your  freebiejeebies account will be active.
Come back on the “freebiejeebies”website and go to the section “refer friends”; a link will appear to you. With this link you will invite your friends to enroll theirself with your account so you will accumulate points. To choose your prize you'll have to go to the section “status” and then click on
“change gift” so you will see a list with all the  available prizes.
Click on the item you want to receive and confirm in the bottom of the page clicking on “change gift”.
In this way you have selected your prize and all the friends who will enroll theirselves will be shown under the link. You can also check the activation status of their account.
For every question contact me at:

1) When you enroll yourself, the server stores your ip address and it won't allow other enrollements from the same ip.
2) As i said ,you will have to make 2 enrollements,one for  free and one paid; for both you will have to put in your real address and your real data. Your  enrollements data must match otherwise your account won't be activated.
3The server also saves your street address. The street address is foundamental for the prize shipment
and in the site cannot be another address, otherwise you'll be banned immediately.
4) You need to make the payment for the second enrollement only with paypal or a credit card.
5) Don't try to change your ip address or to enroll with other data  because you'll always be uncovered.
I can assure that this guide will help you for sure to get prizes,it works  100%,you just need to take patience and advertise it the best you can.
The prizes will be shipped from the famous site “” .

Best regards

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